Enjoying Niagara Falls today! |
I am so
grateful to be serving in Canada! I had
the opportunity to be able to see Niagara Falls today! It was absolutely
incredible! You wouldn't believe how powerful and majestic the falls are. As we were walking towards the falls, it was a
light mist and the closer we got towards the water, it felt like we were
getting rained on! It was so incredible! Also as we were walking, Sister Coleman and I
got stopped by three people who were from Utah! So that was fun! I am so
grateful I had the feeling to give them some blank mormon.org cards to hand out while they were
there that day J
I was so
blessed to have the opportunity to do a $60 Challenge! As I prayed to know what
to do, I felt like I should do something for Chrissy Pope! I thought of how just a week or two ago, her
apricot tree had broken from a storm and was gone. I thought to myself, “Why not plant another
tree for her, but a special one.”
Chrissy lost her mom about a month ago and has been going through a
really rough time with life as well as some physical obstacles that were not
known to me until after serving her.
This is what
we did!
I picked up
the phone and she said, "Thank you so much! I just came home from the
hospital and found the note that you left me on my front door. I went to the back yard and it's beautiful, so
beautiful. I love it so much and I knew
I had to share it with my family! So I
took a picture and sent it to my sister in Newfoundland and to my other sister
in Toronto and they love it as well. [pause] It is beautiful..." She began
to tell us that she cried when she saw it and it just means the world to her that
someone cared and told us thank you over and over again. We are so excited to go over sometime this
week to put the black 'memory' plaque in the ground (we weren't sure if she
would want that done). I am so grateful
to have had the opportunity to be able to serve one of Heavenly Father's
children in a very special way on my mission. It's moments like this where you wouldn't
trade it for anything in the world. Everything
on my mission means the world to me and anytime we have a chance to help
another, it is a great experience!
I also got
to go on exchanges again to Simcoe! It was incredible to see a sister that I
have been with her entire mission (about 6 months). I just feel so privileged to be able to see so
many sisters grow in their testimony and faith in Jesus Christ.
Those are
just a couple of highlights of my week! I love praying for those here in
Hamilton and to know how we can best serve people individually. It gives me a small glimpses of what Heavenly
Father feels for us. I know that service truly does bring us closer to Heavenly
Father just as King Benjamin promised, "I tell you these things that ye
may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow
beings ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:17). There is
always something we can do or someone we can serve J
I testify
that this Gospel is true! You asked what
my favorite scripture study centered on, and it was something I was so grateful
I was able to learn recently. I had a
realization that seemed so silly that I didn't understand it earlier; one of
the reasons I personally needed to come on a mission was to understand how to
keep my covenants. I was reading in
Helaman 3 and in the Book of Mormon manual talking about sanctifying our lives
to our Fathers. In the manual it says
"Those who partake of the sacrament and temple ordinances with pure hearts
and who faithfully keep their covenants have NO PROBLEM being modest, paying
generous fast offerings and tithing, keeping the word of wisdom and Sabbath day
holy, sharing the gospel daily, attend the temple frequently, conduct family
history research, doing home or visiting teaching, visiting the sick or serving
those in need....These are the faithful saints of the Most High who keep the
sacred covenants they have made in the house of the Lord and who continue
faithful, having a determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by
their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission
of their sins. (D&C 20:37) Covenant Keepers...live the law of
consecration. Their time, talents, and financial resources all belong to the
Lord." (Elder Spencer J. Condie of the 70) I have always had a
testimony of the truthfulness of this Gospel, I've always felt it, but I guess
I didn't really understand what I knew to be true before I came out here, I
just knew I knew it. But now I know and it's so simple, covenant keepers live
the law of consecration. Everything I am,
every talent I have acquired and will acquire is meant for the building up of
the Kingdom of God here upon on the Earth at this time, in this, His restored
Church. I am so grateful for this
enlightenment from the Spirit and I am so grateful that I get to apply it each
and every day! What a blessing it is and how great is our calling!
Until next
Sister Robb
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