Mission Picture top blog

Mission Picture top blog

Monday, January 26, 2015

I Know What I Know, and It Is True!

What a week of blessings! We found 5 new people to teach this week! It has been so good and I have had some great experiences teaching.
Last preparation day I met a man sitting next to me while I was emailing.  He turned to me and said, "There is something different about you, what is it?"  I was thrilled to be able to tell him that I am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I am sharing, with others, the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He found it interesting and wanted to hear more so I set an appointment to meet him at the library the next day.  His name is Abdul (about 25 year old) and he is from Afghanistan.  He is alone in Canada temporarily and said that when I sat down next to him and said hello and asked how his day was, he 'felt something'.  Before we left, I felt prompted to give him a Book of Mormon and I decided to write a note inside of it. The next day, we were able to teach him the restoration and it went really well!  Unfortunately, he is moving in two weeks to another part of Canada to receive a higher paying job to support his family back in Afghanistan. It was an amazing experience to me to know that we need to share the gospel wherever we are at and when we can!  Just by saying hello and asking how he was doing touched his heart and he was open to what I was able to share with him. "Behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass... and bringeth about the salvation of many souls." (Alma 37:6-7)
Later that night, Sister Turley and I were able to stop by a potential investigators home that we had contacted last week. Her name is Laura and her husband’s name is Amit, they are from Nigeria. We were able to teach them twice last week, but the lessons are quite hard.  They are both strong Muslims but respect other religions and said that if they "found the truth, it would change." The first time we taught them, he compared Mohammed to Joseph Smith, but has brought up that he believes that Jesus Christ didn't die, so that has been interesting!  They really are great people and I hope that we can get somewhere with them and help them progress.
Louis and Faye are doing great! They had their patriarchal blessing recommend interviews yesterday!  They are doing really well and are still attending a temple prep classes along with doing Fay's mothers name to take it to the temple in March!  All is well and I will give you more in the future.
We got a call last week from a man saying that we gave him a pass-along card a couple of weeks ago and that he wants to hear more. We arranged an appointment and hopefully will be able to teach him.  What a special experience that will be!  This is quite unusual and rarely happens.
I took Sister Turley on several buses and it was great!  I had the opportunity to talk to many different people and I was able to hand out two Book of Mormons. We actually found a new investigator (Alina) at the GO STATION and she was really interested.  We were able to teach her about prophets and she found it really interesting that we have a living prophet today and about the Restoration.  Unfortunately, she said she will contact us when she has time if she wants to learn more.  I was able to talk to some Pentecostal and Anglican bus drivers who were very nice J It is so fun just to talk to a lot of people and share with them the “GOOD NEWS", the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Yesterday, we stopped by a potential investigators, Marlin, who we had talked to a couple of weeks ago and he was just heading out the door to go and pick up his niece Marlisa (a former investigator who we have been calling and texting to try and meet up with). What a coincidence! J When they walked in I said, "Waguan!" (Otherwise known in Jamican as "hey!") They couldn't stop laughing and instantly we became friends, so that is good.  We were able to teach them the restoration and it was great!  Marlisa is super spiritual and Marlin said that he finds the gospel really simple! Heavenly Father truly does direct us where we need to go.  I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost to lead and guide me.
Which reminds me of a neat story about a potential investigator we have.  Her name is Sher.  During lunch one day while we were eating, I just felt like calling someone from our list to see how they were doing.  Sher’s name jumped off the page and into my heart!  I called up Sher and explained to her, who I was and that I just felt like I needed to call her. I heard her begin to cry on the other end of the line. She said that she had been overwhelmed and loaded with so many things in her life that sometimes she couldn’t even breath.  She owns a catering business, her mom is dying of cancer, and other things that were weighing her down. I was able to listen and to comfort her over the phone.  It was a really tender experience. She said, "I am so grateful you called me. This made my entire week. It gives me goose-bumps to think that you just felt that you needed to call me. Thank you."  So we will be seeing her sometime soon J What a neat experience!  I have learned to always ACT on the promptings from the holyghost! You may never know the impact you make until after you do it.
Overall, it has been a great week!  Canada has SO many people from everywhere across the world practicing SO many different religions.  It's has been interesting to talk to people about their religion and where they come from. The world comes to Canada! (Especially if you are close to Toronto!)  I am so truly grateful for the promptings of the spirit and being able to act on them. I have been able to witness the miracles and blessings of being an instrument for Heavenly Father. J I hope you can feel of my love and adoration for this work. I love being here in Ontario and serving my fellow man.  Being a missionary, a representative of Jesus Christ doesn't mean I push my religion on people, but I have the sacred opportunity to declare what I know to be true, without hesitation and invite all to find out for themselves.  I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I love His restored Gospel. I know that this is true! His Church has been restored.  I know this because He has answered my prayers by giving me a witness from the Holy Spirit. I know that this is our Father's work, and what an honor it is that we have all been called, members and missionaries alike, to share this great and Restored message of Truth! I invite each of you to pray for missionary experiences! You may be surprised with how Heavenly Father will answer your prayers.  I love you all!
Until next time...
Sister Robb

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